Tratamiento combinado para la cicatrización postoperatorio
- Dr. Medardo Rosale
- Osteomuscular
Caso clínico:
Jugador de
Diciembre de 2015
Los retos del tratamiento posoperatorio: inflamación y edema de los tejidos
Las lesiones traumáticas en los tejidos blandos —como la descrita a continuación, que en este caso se combina con un traumatismo óseo— generan una respuesta fisiológica inespecífica que activa una serie de eventos proinflamatorios.1
Aunque la inflamación constituye una parte crucial del proceso de cicatrización, una inflamación excesiva puede ser perjudicial para la recuperación.
Para un tratamiento eficaz de las lesiones agudas de los tejidos blandos deben maximizarse aquellos factores que promueven una recuperación óptima.1
Resumen del paciente*
1. Presentación y diagnóstico
+ Jugador de baloncesto de algo menos de 30 años
+ Durante un partido le golpearon con el codo en el lado izquierdo del rostro
+ Laceración bajo el ojo izquierdo
+ Fractura del hueso nasal (hacia la derecha)
+ Fractura de la pared medial de la órbita izquierda
+ Traumatismo craneoencefálico (TCE) de grado 1
2. Tratamiento postoperatorio
+ Traumeel®, 2 comprimidos 6 veces al día
+ Lymphomyosot®, 2 comprimidos 6 veces al día
+ Doxiciclina 100 mg, 1 comprimido 2 veces al día
+ No se administraron analgésicos
Resultados terapéuticos
Al quinto día de tratamiento con Traumeel® y Lymphomyosot®, el edema y el hematoma ya se habían reducido perceptiblemente, con signos claros de cicatrización de la herida.
*Personal communication, Andrew Lichtenthal, Orthopedic Surgeon and Sports Medicine, St. Vinzenz Hospital, Hanau, Germany.
Una combinación probada y fiable para favorecer la cicatrización postoperatoria
Resumen de características del producto
Traumeel®: Tablets
Compositions: 1 tablet = 301.5 mg containing: Active ingredients: Atropa belladonna D4 75 mg; Aconitum napellus D3, Hepar sulfuris D8, Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni D8, 30 mg each; Chamomilla recutita D3, Symphytum officinale D8 24 mg each; Achillea millefolium D3, Arnica montana D2, Calendula officinalis D2, Hamamelis virginiana D2, 15 mg each; Bellis perennis D2, Echinacea angustifolia D2, Echinacea purpurea D2 6 mg each; Hypericum perforatum D2 3 mg. Excipients: Lactose monohydrate 6.0 mg; Magnesium stearate 1.5 mg.
Indications: Traumatic injuries of all kinds such as sprains, dislocations, contusions, haemarthrosis and effusions into a joint; regulation of inflammatory processes in various organs and tissues, including in particular acute and chronic/degenerative disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
Contraindications: Known allergy (hypersensitivity) to one or more of the ingredients, including plants of the daisy family (Asteraceae) such as Arnica montana (arnica), Calendula officinalis (pot marigold), Matricaria recutita (chamomile), Echinacea (coneflower), Achillea millefolium (yarrow), Bellis perennis (daisy).
Special warnings and special precautions for use: Patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicinal product.
Side effects: Allergic (hypersensitivity) skin reactions may occur in very rare cases (i.e. affects less than 1 in 10,000 users).
Interactions with other medication: No interactions have been reported, and none are expected due to the homeopathic dilutions.
Pregnancy and lactation: For this product no clinical data on pregnancy and lactation are available. Homeopathic dilutions of the substances present in this medicament are not known to be toxic during pregnancy and lactation. No adverse effects have so far been reported.
Effects on ability to drive and use machines: No effects on the ability to drive and use machines have been reported, and none are expected due to the homeopathic dilutions.
Dosage: Standard dosage: Adults (and children 12 yrs. and older): 1 tablet 3x daily; 6–11 yrs. 1 tablet 2x daily; 2–5 yrs.: 1 tablet 1–2x daily; below 2 yrs.: 1 tablet 1x daily. Acute or initial dosage: Adults (and children 12 yrs. and older): 1 tablet every ½ to 1 hr., up to 12x daily, and then continue with standard dosage; 6–11 yrs.: 1 tablet every 1 to 2 hrs., up to 8x daily, and then continue with standard dosage; 2–5 yrs.: 1 tablet every 1 to 2 hrs., up to 6x daily, and then continue with standard dosage; below 2 yrs.: 1 tablet every 1 to 2 hrs., up to 4x daily, and then continue with standard dosage. Method of administration: Preferably allow the tablet to dissolve in the mouth, and then swallow. For children it is possible to crush the tablet and add to a small amount of water. This medicine should be taken away from meals.
Overdose: No cases of overdose have been reported, and none are expected due to the homeopathic dilutions.
Package sizes: Packs containing 50 and 250 tablets.
Traumeel®: Tablets
Compositions: 1 tablet = 301.5 mg containing: Active ingredients: Araneus diadematus D6 15.0 mg, Calcium phosphoricum D12 15.0 mg, Equisetum hiemale D4 15.0 mg, Ferrum iodatum D12 30.0 mg, Fumaria officinalis D4 15.0 mg, Gentiana lutea D5 15.0 mg, Geranium robertianum D4 30.0 mg, Juglans regia ssp. regia D3 15.0 mg, Levothyroxinum D12 15.0 mg, Myosotis arvensis D3 15.0 mg, Nasturtium officinale D4 30.0 mg, Natrium sulfuricum D4 15.0 mg, Pinus sylvestris D4 15.0 mg, Scrophularia nodosa D3 15.0 mg, Smilax D6 15.0 mg, Teucrium scorodonia D3 15.0 mg, Veronica officinalis D3 15.0 mg, Contains lactose.
Indications: Improvement of lymphatic drainage, the non-specific immune defense, and conditions such as benign hypertrophy of lymph nodes, chronic tonsillitis, tonsillar hypertrophy and lymphatic edema.
Contraindications: Known allergy (hypersensitivity) to one or more of the ingredients.
Special warnings and special precautions for use: Patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicinal product.
Side effects: Allergic (hypersensitivity) skin reactions may occur in very rare cases (i.e. affects less than 1 in 10,000 users).
Interactions with other medication: No interactions have been reported, and none are expected due to the homeopathic dilutions.
Pregnancy and lactation: For this product no clinical data on pregnancy and lactation are available. Homeopathic dilutions of the substances present in this medicament are not known to be toxic during pregnancy and lactation. No adverse effects have so far been reported.
Effects on ability to drive and use machines: No effects on the ability to drive and use machines have been reported, and none are expected due to the homeopathic dilutions.
Dosage: Standard dosage: Adults (and children 12 yrs. and older): 1 tablet 3x daily. Pediatric: Below 2 yrs.: 1 tablet 1x daily. 2–5 yrs.: 1 tablet 1–2x daily. 6–11 yrs.: 1 tablet 2x daily. Acute or initial dosage: Adults (and children 12 yrs. and older): 1 tablet every ½ to1 hr., up to 12x daily, and then continue with standard dosage. Pediatric: Below 2 yrs.: 1 tablet every 1 to 2 hrs., up to 4x daily, and then continue with standard dosage. 2–5 yrs.: 1 tablet every 1 to 2 hrs., up to 6x daily, and then continue with standard dosage. 6–11 yrs.: 1 tablet every 1 to 2 hrs., up to 8x daily, and then continue with standard dosage. Method of administration: Preferably allow the tablet to dissolve in the mouth, and then swallow. For children it is possible to crush the tablet and add to a small amount of water. This medicine should be taken away from meals.
Overdose: No cases of overdose have been reported, and none are
expected due to the homeopathic dilutions.
Package sizes: Packs containing 50, 100 and 250 tablets.
- Speed C, Hazleman B, Dalton S. Fast Facts: Soft Tissue Disorders. Second edition. Oxford: Health Press Limited, 2006;11-15.
- Schneider, C. Traumeel – an emerging option to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the management of acute musculoskeletal injuries. Int J Gen Med. 2011;4:225–234.
- Keim AP, Slis JR, Mendez U, Stroup EM, Burmeister Y, Tsolaki N, Gailing O, Goldman J. The multicomponent medication lymphomyosot improves the outcome of experimental lymphedema. Lymphat Res Biol. 2013;11:81–92.
Este artículo contiene información médica útil basada en datos científicos. Su propósito es meramente informativo. La información y/o las recomendaciones terapéuticas no constituyen un tratamiento específico de ningún caso concreto. No sustituyen ni son contrarias a las recomendaciones terapéuticas del médico responsable del tratamiento u otro profesional sanitario cualificado. Heel no se hace responsable de ningún daño o perjuicio derivado o presuntamente derivado, directa o indirectamente, de la información proporcionada en el presente folleto. Tenga en cuenta que los nombres de los medicamentos, las indicaciones y/o las fórmulas pueden variar según el país, y que los prospectos del envase pueden proporcionar información específica del país.